blurry photo of woman in an autumn forest. This is how to romanticize fall

How to Romanticize Fall this Year

As we’re nearing the end of October, the nights get darker, the air get’s colder and many of us find it harder to get up in the mornings. It’s times like these that we need a little push, some motivation to make the most of the days and not give in to the fall blues. I’ve made it my mission learn how to romanticize fall this year. This isn’t actually as hard it sounds.

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How to Start Loving the Fall Months

There could be countless of reasons for why some dislike fall. It could simply be that they are sad summer’s over. The dread of going back to routines after being free all summer, or they hate the cold. Some don’t like the dark and a lot of people actually suffer from seasonal depression because of the dark fall and winter months.

I know it’s easier said than done to completely change your viewpoint on things that make you sad or that you don’t normally enjoy. But there are people who genuinely love fall, and I want us to try and step into their shoes for a bit. Keep reading to learn how to romanticize fall and live your best autumnal life this year.

1. Embrace Fall

Woman sitting at train tracks in fall. Fall leaves. This is how to romanticise fall.

Okay, I’m sorry. I know this sounds like the dumbest take ever. “You don’t like being sad? Just stop being sad, dude.” I know it’s not this easy. But it is possible to change your perspective. I normally hate fall. I always connected it to the dread of going back to school, cold dark days, and just feeling miserable in general. And then I saw all these people on TikTok, posting about how they couldn’t wait for fall. Even in August they were raving about the fall aesthetic and the coziness of it all, and I just thought damn, I wish I was like that.

Because how much more fun would it be to anticipate fall, long for it and actually enjoy it? So I decided that I would fully embrace fall for once. Instead of seeing the cold, dark miserable side of it, I chose to see the scented candles, the cinnamon rolls, the pumpkin spice everything, the movie marathons, the vibrant color of the leaves and the crisp autumn air. I chose to romanticize fall.

There are so many things you can do during fall that you might not think about. Check out our latest post for some ideas:

The Ultimate Fall Bucket List: 18 Cozy Ideas 2024

I highly recommend doing all the stuff that everyone go crazy over during fall, even if it feels stupid. Get that pumpkin spice latte, carve a pumpkin, bake some cinnamon rolls, watch Gilmore Girls, take a walk when the leaves changes color. Romanticize fall, embrace it. It makes it so much more fun, I promise.

Take a look at some of the fall trends this year and see if anything resonates with you. Are there any new clothes, activities or foods that you could try? Pinterest is always a good place to start, but TikTok usually does the job as well.

2. Start Something New

A lot of people connects New Years with the start of something new. While fall marks the dying of the leaves and the closing in on the end of the year, I like to think that the autumn months could also represent more than that. It is often the period of change, whether it’s a new job, a new year in school, a reset after summer holidays, or the preparation of stepping into a new era of your life. Why not use this time to start something new and make fall a productive, enjoyable period in your life.

Here are some ideas:

  • Start a new hobby
  • Re-invent yourself
  • Start a new habit

Start a New Hobby

While we’re in this season of change, there’s no better time to explore a brand-new hobby! Fall allows us to cozy up with activities that bring warmth and joy from the comfort of our home. Pick up a new hobby that lets you fully embrace and romanticize all the beauty this season has to offer?

After ten months filled with unforgettable memories, you probably have a treasure trove of photos and stories from the year. Why not transform those snapshots into a stunning photo album or scrapbook? It’s a delightful way to celebrate and relive those beautiful moments from 2024, turning your memories into a work of art. So grab some craft supplies, a cup of apple cider, and let your creativity flow!

Re-invent Yourself

As we get closer to the end of the year, this is the perfect time to explore new styles and mindsets. Let’s begin this era of change, and end the year as the person you want to be. This is the ultimate way to romanticize fall. It will make you feel good about yourself, and when we feel good about ourselves, we generally feel good about life.

Reflect on your goals and passions. What do you want to bring with you into the next year? Let go of toxic habits or relationships that no longer serve you. Like the fall leaves, transform yourself into the most vibrant version of you.

Change up your style. Lean into the fall season and try new pieces that elevate your personal style, or go a completely new direction.

Read More:

How to Glow Up and Look Unrecognisable Before the Holidays

Start a New Habit

Om the theme of transformation, and leaving toxic habits behind, take this opportunity to start new ones. Routines naturally shift with this season, so why not consider starting some new habits that can improve your daily life? It can be as simple as a morning walk in the cool fall air to help clear your mind and begin the day with a mental boost. Or meal prepping to make more tie for yourself during the busy weeks.

I’d say one of the most helpful habits you could start is dedicating some time each day for mindfulness, or journaling. Anything to help you sort your thoughts and soothe you during a time that is usually very stressful for many. If you don’t know where to start, here are some recommendations:


Mindfulness: An Eight-Week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World

This book delivers powerful mindfulness practices that you can use in your daily life. It features an eight-week plan to help you break the cycle of anxiety and unhappiness.


The Five Minute Journal

I know I’ve recommended this journal more than once before, but it’s just so good. If you don’t know where to start, this gratitude journal offers prompts and writing cues to help you reflect on your feelings and thoughts.

Days get shorter and darker yes , but by establishing these new routines, you’ll not only enhance your lifestyle but also cultivate a sense of purpose and joy as you learn how to embrace fall.

Tip: If you want something simple and more accessible, check out the Happier App. This is a beautifully made app that offers guided meditations and mindfulness resources that are so helpful for busy minds.

3. Get Super Structured

With our newfound habits and activities, it’s important to make time for them. In between what feels like shorter days and a stressful schedule, things like this might be pushed to the back of our priority list. Make sure to get super structured this fall and make time for the things that make you happy.Not to mention how hard it can be already to manage all our regular obligations like work, bills, cooking, cleaning etc.

There are so many different ways to get structured, and different things work better for different people. Maybe you’re someone who works best with digital calendars, and you like to write lists on plans in your mobile notes. Or you only stay structured when you have all your plans right in front of you. A board in your room where you can put up reminders and calendars could be a good idea. For some people, post-it notes could be enough to stay on top of it. For others, manually writing it down in a physical planner is the way to go. This is particularly good because you can take it with you everywhere you go and it looks professional, whereas it’s not always appropriate to whip out your phone. Research shows that writing something down and having a visual representation of your goals and achievements can boost your morale and motivation, because it’s something actually solid and tangible.


Academic Year Weekly and Monthly Planner

Keep track of all your activities, obligations, goals and achievements with a pretty planner, like this one from Blue Sky.

Final Thoughts on How to Romanticize Fall this Year

I know fall time can bring a lot of anxiety and blues, it’s normal. But I want you and me to focus on the beauty that fall brings, not only with the changing leaves. A chance to transform, to change, and to prosper. There is no better time to start changing things you are unhappy with, and making space for new, improved mindsets, goals and routines.

Romanticize the hell out of this season, I promise you it makes it so much fun. Do the stupid things you say you hate, but secretly want to enjoy. Order a pumpkin spiced latte, watch scary movies and stereotypical fall shows, bake the overhyped fall recipes, learn to see the beauty in the dying leaves as they fall around you. Enjoy it, because it doesn’t last long. 🙂 You’ve got this.

‘Til next time, x.